About Me

I want to tell you my first job was washing dishes at an airport diner. 

I want to tell you I worked 3 jobs, 7 days a week to prove I would not be broke like my mum and dad. 

I want to tell you I thought cheese came from the government, because they hand out cheese to all the kids on welfare.

I want to tell you that I knew I was poor when I couldn’t have the same shoes as all the other kids. 

I want to tell you that I escaped poverty, made something of myself and I now help people doing something I love…

But that’s not quite true.

I didn’t escape poverty.

I ran, stumbled, knelt down, got up again, was broken, then broken again, and when rock bottom felt like the most comfortable blanket a kid from the wrong side of the streets could imagine…

I fumble-fucked my way to where I am now.

With one exception. 

Somewhere along the way…

Somewhere in the wreckage of every single failed venture I started… 

Somewhere deep inside…

I found Breathwork. 

And Breathwork gave me the strength to carry on.

To shift the patterns from my childhood.

To give me hope for the future

To remind myself that I’m meant to do more in my life, and now is the time to get down and do it. 

At one point after saying to myself “I can’t fucking do this anymore. I don’t have the strength to get on the other side of this” I literally moved to Africa determined to go off the grid and build a sustainable eco community, completed separate from the rat race and corporate greed. 

That was another failed venture…

I struggled with a voice which said “I’m not disciplined enough. I’m not smart enough. I don’t have the right education. I’m not hard wired for success. Nothing I ever do is going to work. My track record screams failure – that’s never going to change…”

In 2008, as I was beginning to rebuild, the mortgage crash took me out and I turned to personal growth and spirituality as a way to cope. 

I learnt to breathe properly, which is exactly what I teach in my 30 Day Challenge – how the power of the breath plus some simple shifts in mindset will literally Turn. Your. Life. Around. 

You see, for so many years my mornings were a dark place to be. 

Every day on repeat I’d wake up with a rising sense of panic. I’d open my eyes, reach straight for my phone and start reading emails, messages and notifications. 

To ensure my anxiety stuck I would down a double shot of coffee while eating breakfast on the run and then launch myself into work. 

The worst part?

Nobody knew how badly I was struggling. 

One night I broked down. Just fell to my knees and couldn’t stop crying. 

I knew I needed help, and that’s when I discovered breathwork. 

If you’ve never tried it before then you’re probably like me, thinking “I know how to breathe – how is this going to make any difference to my life”

But after a few minutes of the first exercise my whole body was tingling, my mind went still, and I literally felt like I was floating off the floor. 

That was over 10 years ago, and I’ve studied every conceivable type of breathwork to create something which supports people just like you.

I call it MB30 – it’s a 30 Day Challenge which I’ve put online and made it real cheap so everyone can have access to the tools that made the biggest difference in my life. [Check It Out Here]

As I learnt to support my nervous system. 

To heal my childhood trauma.

To reset my thoughts, and to focus on what I really wanted in life.

Things started to change.

I won’t say they got easier, but they changed for the better.

Because I don’t believe life is supposed to be easy. But it is supposed to be better. 

Now I’m the co-founder of a successful personal development brand based at an international destination resort in Bali (check out the YogiLab). And I’m the founding member of an international school of breathwork called BreathMasters (you definitely want to see this: BreathMasters)

I’m making more money than I have in my entire life doing what I love doing – and you know what? I want to share something with you right now.

There were two things that made the biggest difference to my situation, and I’ll spell them out for you right here.

  1. Breathwork. But not just any breathwork. 9D Breathwork. 

It’s what I teach, it’s what I love, and it’s what I’m here on Earth to share. 

In just one hour I can help you reset your nervous system, rewire your brain, and make shifts you would never believe possible. Check it out here: 9D Breathwork

But shifts on their own are not enough. It also took

  1. Coaching from the right mentor.

Whatever you’re aiming for in life, you can’t do it alone. Believe me, I’ve tried and I’ve tried and I’ve failed every time. But check this out. It’s more fun when you do it with other people. 

It’s more fun, it’s way easier, and if you get in with the right community then you’ll discover that, like me, you suddenly have friends all over the world…

Friends who have your back, friends who cheer you on, friends who pick you up, and friends who occasionally need your help as well. 

Because we’re all in this together. And when you realise that, everything changes again. 

That’s why I put together my monthly membership on top of the 9D Breathwork. 

It’s where you and I get a chance to drop in, hang out, and you get to connect and be supported by an epic bunch of humans from all over the world who, like you, are determined to make the world a better place. 

And making the world a better place starts with you.

With making your inner world a better place. 

Just like I had to, before I could have any chance at success in the outer world. 

And now here we are…

I wonder what you’re thinking right now.

Do you have doubts that you can create the life you want. Cos I sure did.

Do you think that what I’m talking about is for other people, not for you. Cos I know that feeling

Are you excited by what’s possible and you want to know more. Cos I’m 150% here for you if that’s the case. 

This is my story.

What are you going to say in your story about the time your life turned around?

Is 9D Breathwork going to be the piece that makes all the difference?

I’ve seen it work miracles on people from every walk of life, from ages 15 to 78, rich and poor, healthy or ill, struggling or on fire. 

There’s only one way to find out…

Let’s connect. 

Drop me a message on the socials. Send me an email.

Or better yet

Try out the 9D Breathwork. 

You have nothing to lose. 

And the rest of your life starts now. 

Big love,

Brian Kelly